Bedbugs, Sleep Easy!
Bedbug Pest Control in Sydney – Bedbugs are small, wingless insects found all over the world. They are nocturnal meaning they rest during the day and are active at night. Recent research has found bedbugs to be opportunistic and will bite in the day.
Bed bugs feed on human blood and prefer to hide in bedding and on mattresses where they have easy access to a food source.
They have developed mouth parts this how they can pierce the skin. It is important to remember that not everyone has a reaction to the bites but for others they can react with itchiness and swelling.
Bedugs can harbour diseases within their body however transmission to humans is unlikely.
What do bed bugs look like?
- Wingless
- Half a centimetre long
- Flat, oval-shaped body
- Six legs
- Light brown in colour, changing to rust-red after a meal of blood
- Large antennae
- Large mouth parts (mandibles)
- Can survive without feeding for months at a time
Do Bedbugs Prefer Human Blood?
Bedbugs basically live on blood. Human blood is preferred, but they will feed on other mammals if necessary.
Bed bugs are highly attracted to body heat and the carbon dioxide that is expired in air, hence, which is how they find their host.
How do Bedbugs feed?
The bedbug’s feeding organ comes in forward and downward motion to pierce the skin . Their saliva, which contains an anticoagulant, is injected into the skin which is the cause of the allergic reaction in some people.
Bedbugs take around five to 10 minutes to feed. As the bedbug digests blood, their colour changes from light brown to rust-red.
Where do bedbugs live?
Bedbugs in infested properties can be found:
- Mattresses, particularly along and under the seams
- Bedding
- Under loosened edges of wallpaper
- Between the cracks of wooden floors
- Wall cracks or crevices
- Carpet
- Furniture
Recognising a bedbug infestation
Usually the initial signs that someone may have bedbugs in their home is the presence of bites. Pest Control Today recommends that you conduct a thorough inspection of your premises, concentrating on the common hiding spots.
You may find:
- Live bedbugs – (they are often hard to see due to their size)
- Blood staining on sheets or mattresses
- Rusty or dark looking spots on mattresses, bedding or walls
- An offensive, sweet, musty odour

Bedbug Pest Control in Sydney
If you have found an active bed bug infestation in your property you should hire an experienced pest control operator who can determine the extent of the infestation, and also guide you through the preparation steps required prior to a bed bug treatment.
Pest Control Today has found that customers who complete the preparation steps end up with better results.
A follow up treatment may be required to ensure complete eradication.
Further Reading
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