
Flea Pest Control Sydney

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Need Pest Control For Fleas?


Flea Pest Control SydneyWhat are fleas?

Most flea infestations occur from the common cat and dog flea. Fleas will bite any warm-blooded vertebrates, such as cats, dogs, people, chickens, rats, rabbits, ferrets and mice.

Did you know that for every 5 fleas that are found on your pet cat or dog there can be up to 95 live fleas making home in your carpet!

Flea bites will cause a small, swollen itching spot with a single puncture point at the centre. There are often a few bites next to each other and can remain inflamed for several weeks, and some people have been known to have allergic reactions.

Fleas can become a health concern as they can cause transmission of disease, including viral and bacterial diseases.

What do fleas look like?

Flea Pest Control Sydney

  • Wingless insects
  • 5 to 3.3 mm in length
  • Usually dark in colour
  • Tube-like mouth-parts
  • Long legs


Where do fleas live?

  • Live on any warm-blooded animal
  • prefer to live on humans, cats, dogs
  • Can be found on shoes, pant legs, or blankets

How do I know if I have fleas?

The first signs of a flea infestation are bites that cause extensive scratching.

There is a simple test that you can do at home to check for an active flea infestation.

Place a few trays of water with a drop of dish washing liquid around the rooms where you are being bitten. Leave in place for a few hours and if fleas are present they will jump into the water.

Flea pest control services in Sydney

Flea Pest Control Sydney

Each property, building and location is different, a customised management solution should be designed to suit your specific needs.

Pest Control Today Sydney We would love to find out more on how we may be able to help you.

Click to call or  contact with us via the contact form available at our website.


Pest Control Today